Our Story

We met on a Friday night in July of 2019, and within a few months we were already dreaming of a future business and life together. We took our two separate dreams and began to integrate them into one. It wasn’t difficult, really. Kiki wanted to spend her days serving coffee and building community; I wanted to roast coffee and collaborate with new friends. And thus Snake Oil Roasters was born. Since then we’ve purchased a shop roaster (a huge upgrade from the Popcorn Popper I started on in 2008), sold our home and my two motorcycles, and built our new home and roastery in the woods of Michigan.

The Name

There’s some internal dispute regarding who initially proposed the name Snake Oil Roasters, but once it was in the ether neither of us could shake it. It seemed to be fitting in so many ways. We view coffee as an elixir around our house. headache? Drink coffee. Tired? Coffee. Need motivation? Coffee.

