Monthly Subscription

from $20.00 every month

We’re excited to offer a monthly, curated coffee experience. The fist week of every month we’ll ship you* a bag (or 4) of coffee that we’ve roasted up just for you. Coffees will rotate based on the season, harvest, crop, and roasters choice. Occasionally we’ll throw some swag in the box (a sticker, a post-card, a handwritten thank-you note, a lost wedding ring, perhaps), and they’ll always be roasted, packaged, and sent with all the love we’ve got.

*Shipping is included on all subscriptions. After all, who likes loose change and loose ends? Instead, we’ll make this as easy as possible. Every month, a bag of coffee will miraculously arrive on your doorstep. No hassle, no trips to the store, and no pesky snake oil salesmen ringing your doorbell.

Bags per Month: